Monday, May 4, 2009

A life filled with miracles

I've created a blog to share with you the challenging, but also amazing journey I am experiencing. It is also my way of keeping everyone who is supporting me updated about my progress. Through telling my story I hope to demonstrate to you how life events has encouraged me to choose living an enabled life, rather than just simply living a mere existance focused on survival.

You see somewhere in my growing-up process, I internalised the message that I had to make it on my own. Only when I had no alternative to use a wheel chair, because of my health, did I learn that its ok to ask for and to receive support. My recent health crisis (see archive if you want to hear more), took this lesson to the next level. Becoming totally dependent, not even able to breathe, speak, eat or move, was my greatest fear in the past. But by going through this experience I discovered how not being in control opens opportunities to experience how much love and support there is all around us if only we allow it.

As I am learning to surrender and trust, events I experience as miraculous, is happening around me. After establishing the trust fund to support my recovery, enough money was donated to cover the most important expenses over the past 3 months. Thank you to each and everyone who made this possible. Also, the occupational therapists has put in an application to Discovey Health's Ex Gratia fund for a new wheelchair, a special wheel chair cushion and an air mattress for my bed at home. These assistive devices is essential to ensure my continued wound healing and recovery process. We heard today that our application was approved!

I will be going home within a week or two and we will be interviewing carers to support me at home, this week. My goal is to be strong enough to generate my own income in 4 months time so the next challenge is to raise enough money through the trust fund to cover my living and medical expenses during that time.

Thanks for taking an interest in my story. Till next time, from room 11 in Medsac, Strand.



  1. Jou onafhanklike spirit is steeds daar net in ander vorm. Dis so inspirerend. Love you mbwah!

  2. Jeanne, an amazing story from an amazing woman, your strenght and courage is there to inspire and motivate us all. Know that your life has touched and influenced so many and that the strenght and love of so many is there to support you on your journey.
